Tony has been an Economics, Business Studies and Accounting teacher in several International schools and colleges for the past 15 years. He is also an Examiner of Economics with the Cambridge Exam Board. He holds a Masters degree in Economics. You can watch his videos that simplify economics on his Youtube channel; 'Tony's Workspace'. His passion is to apply technology to simplify and make learning more appealing.
Tony has been an Economics, Business Studies and Accounting teacher in several International schools and colleges for the past 15 years. He is also an Examiner of Economics with the Cambridge Exam Board. He holds a Masters degree in Economics. You can watch his videos that simplify economics on his Youtube channel; 'Tony's Workspace'. His passion is to apply technology to simplify and make learning more appealing.
This resource is a powerful and essential tool in helping teenagers to become better managers of their time and to inspire them to develop habits, attitudes and behaviours that will maximize their productivity in and out of school.
This self-management pack contains 5 Powerpoint presentations that can be delivered in 5 sessions of 45 minutes each. We explore the following topics;
At midnight, the adventurers began a journey. A journey into the darkness. But even after arriving at their destination, they found themselves sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness of retrogressive mindsets, presided over by a repressive regime. Someone needed to illuminate the thick darkness. But the darkness was serving the interests of the kleptocratic king and his minions.
The harder the adventurers fought to usher in a new dispensation, the harder the corrupt forces of darkness fought back to maintain the status quo.
When lady eagle, lady flamingo and lady butterfly had saved up enough money they bought camping tents and flew to Indopoopa Jungle. They were joined by eagle, flamingo and three eaglets. They started their journey at midnight and by 11 a.m. they had arrived at their destination. They were surprised to see meerkats eating fermented fruits from the marula tree and getting drunk. The meerkats behaved in a disorderly manner and swore at each other. When
they saw eagle and lady eagle, they ran away and hid in their holes.
“We are not here to harm you,” said lady eagle. “We are just here to have some adventure.”
“That is true,” said lady butterfly. “Please join us.”
The meerkats were not sure whether to trust the visitors. They sent a little meerkat to greet the visitors. They watched from their underground homes to see if the little meerkat would be harmed. When she was not harmed, they sent five more daughters. The little meerkats began to play with the eaglets. When eagle saw this, he challenged the bigger meerkats.
“Come out from your homes you cowards,” he said. “Stop sending the little ones.”
The meerkat leader staggered out of his home and cautiously approached the visitors. Suddenly, a falcon appeared in the sky and all the meerkats fled into their homes.
When the falcon saw that the meerkats had disappeared into their holes, he decided to grab one of the eaglets. He flew down like a bolt of lightning, but before he could get to the eaglets, eagle and lady eagle got up quickly. One grabbed falcon by the head and the other grabbed falcon’s wings.
“You are hurting me,” cried falcon…